About me

Picture by Circle Wellness academy

Picture by Circle Wellness academy

Who am I?

Olina Eriksson, Lic. PT

Mentality, nutrition and training are all keys to become stronger, but without goals, support and motivation it is hard to develop and find a long term solution.

I’ve been interested in sports and fitness since a young age. Growing up I struggled and lacked in knowledge, motivation and the mental strength to reach my goals. Trying, failing, trying, failing and trying again has lead me to where I am today. Failing just means we haven’t found our way yet, but trying again may lead us there. On the way I learned what works for me and I found a passion in creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle for a long term solution.

Coaching my clients means more than just one hour in the gym to me. It means giving them the tools they need to find a sustainable and long term solution, educating in training, nutrition, mentality and support to achieve goals.

I have an international license in personal training and have a license in physical training, functional training, injuries/rehab, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, nutrition, fat measurement with Harpenden Caliper and senior/junior/prenatal training.

When I’m not coaching my clients at the gym I run bootcamps at the beach, coach CrossFit kids classes, train at the CrossFit box or in the gym or take walks at the beach with dogs.

I have found my way for a sustainable, healthy and fun lifestyle - now I am ready to help you find yours!

Love, Olina!