Sanne Simonis

Sanne is a personal trainer and hypnotherapist. Sanne has trained a long time by herself. For the last couple of months she has used my 1-2-1 personal training sessions with the goal to perfect movements, improve technique and get stronger in the lifts. Not only has she improved the techniques a lot - she has also gotten stronger because of it!

Sofia Händén

Sofia came to me to get help gaining weight, getting more confident in the gym and learning more about what her body need. Her journey towards a healthier body is truly inspiring and all the hard work she puts in, not only in the gym, but also with her nutrition and everyday life has paid off!


Amanda Rosendal

Amanda started personal training because she wanted to perform better in the gym, gain confidence and get a structure and routine in her training. She has made great progress and learns new things all the time. She has even gained enough confidence that she has started going to the gym by herself on top of our sessions!

Elin Höglund


Why did you need a PT?

The main reason why I needed a PT was because I couldn’t motivate myself to go to the gym. Mainly because when I got to the gym I didn’t know what to do, which has been a big problem for me. I didn’t know how to make a plan and I don’t know what I should do at the gym to suit my goals and my focus - everyday health and weight loss. This has been a big program for me which has stopped me from being motivated to train

What was your expectations for PT Online?

My expectations was that I would simply just get a training plan to use in the gym but it was so much more than that. Olina was very careful with checking what exercises I like and which ones I hate because her main focus is to make the training fun, which has resulted in that the exercises she programmed for me has suited me perfectly. Each exercise also had a video and description which made it easier to understand how to perform the movement.

How did it work?

It has worked really good, in many ways! Partly because of the videos of every exercise, which has made it possible to visually understand the movement even if I didn’t have a physical personal trainer there. Olina has also given me fantastic support and has contacted me several times a week to check in on me

What have you learned from having a PT Online?

I have plans ready to use which I can also use later on and from them I feel confident to pick exercises and try to create my own plans for the gym - which has been my main struggle before. It has made me more confident in the gym and I am more motivated now

What has been the best with having a PT Online?

The best thing with this service is definitely the convenience, I’ve never had to think about how or what I will do at the gym because Olina has already done that for me. I’ve been the one doing the work but she’s given me the tools to do so.

What has been difficult with having an online PT?

The most difficult thing with Online PT has been that this service requires that I’m disciplined which I sometimes have a hard time being. If a physical PT is waiting for me at the gym I find it easier to go there rather than when I have the plan to follow myself. Even though it’s been difficult Olina has always been there to support me and have helped me keep my motivation. Another thing that has been a struggle is that I sometimes ask myself “am I really doing this right?” while I’m at the gym without anyone to correct me. It’s always easier to have a physical PT by your side but I’ve always been able to ask Olina and she’s helped me until I perform the movement correctly

Who would you recommend PT Online with Olina to?

I would recommend it to everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re like me who doesn’t understand how to create my own plan or if you have the knowledge already but has specific goals and doesn’t get any further in your progress. Online PT helped me reach my specific goals and I’m so happy I dared to try it